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Breaking Free Adult Coaching Program: Everything You Need To Know.

The Breaking Free Program is broken down into Three Tiers. Each of these Tiers includes One on One sessions with me. Here is how it all works.

Tier One which is two sessions. Tier Two which is four sessions. Lastly, Tier Three which consists of six sessions...

Now for the rundown of each session. Plus the free zoom consultation. Whether it is two, four, or six sessions you have me in your corner for life. That is guaranteed. Furthermore, you will be added to a Breaking Free facebook and/or telegram support group where like minds will be and other clients of mine. I will also offer more support within that group. We will have fortnightly group meetings to discuss progress and to connect with each other. I am always here for you..

With that being said, everything you need to know about what I offer is right here. Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you!

Your best self and dream life awaits you,

Nathan Francis.

Free Consultation:

  • Program/Coaching outline. What each session entails and how the process works if you decide to proceed.

  • We will discuss what’s going on in your life.

  • I will offer some free advice to help you get started.

  • I will answer your questions, queries and concerns…

  • If you proceed, I will personally send you the client questionnaire to fill out and return prior to booking in session 1.

Tier 1 (Two Sessions)

Session 1:

  • Subconscious mind Education…

  • I show you how and why you self - sabotage due the programming you have been exposed to since you entered this realm.

  • I take you through the programming you were exposed to and how you were exposed to it.

  • Dialogue discussing different programmes and aha moments from your questionnaire responses.

  • I will use the same tricks they use to reprogram you.

  • From your questionnaire we do a ceremony to help you shift your old programmes and belief system to usher in new ones. Quite often tears are shed. It is okay and safe. This is a safe space for you to do so.

  • I will show you videos and pep talks to inspire you. (I use different videos depending on your situation.)

  • I offer some solutions to help you start off. All solutions are in session 2..

Session 2:

  • We discuss your progress from your first session. What has worked? What needs improving?

  • I re-read your questionnaire (prior to the session) and I will talk you through the solutions to start implementing towards your best self.

  • I play a hypnotherapy recording tailored to you to help you start reprogramming.

  • I play another video which explains how the subconscious mind really works.

  • We discuss some emotions and how they manifest in the physical body. I provide a safe space for you to shift these.

  • We discuss your final package which I send out 24-48 hours after this session has concluded.

The package/summation includes:

  • Affirmations tailored to you.

  • Your solutions tick sheet list.

  • Hypnotherapy recordings tailored to you

  • Exercise solutions

  • Organic healthy recipes.

  • Books that have helped me that may help you.

  • Podcasts.

  • Meditations.

  • Financial experts to listen to.

  • Access to the telegram/Facebook support group.

  • Links to awesome beautiful people who have helped me along the way.

  • So much more!

Tier 2 (Four Sessions)

Session 1 & 2 are the same as the Tier One Package. We focus on all areas of your self - sabotage first. Sessions 3 & 4 are outlined below.

Session 3:

  • We discuss your progress from session two and what has been happening in your life between sessions.

  • We watch another video which will be a pep talk that will be tailored to you given your current situation.

  • We discuss and shift some more emotions/blocks that may be manifesting. Such as forgiveness, sadness, anger etc. We delve into this deeply and I help you shift these emotions/feelings/beliefs. I provide a safe space for this to be done.

  • We narrow in one key area of your life that needs to level up.

  • We discuss which direction you would like to go in your life. What would you like to do? What are your dreams?

  • We set achievable goals together towards your best self and your dream life. We also put steps in place to help ensure you achieve them.

  • At the end of the session we either do a meditation or a Marisa Peer hypnotherapy which is tailored to you.

Session 4:

  • We discuss your progress from session three and what has been happening in your life in between sessions

  • We discuss and shift some more emotions/blocks if needed that have since manifested since our last session. Depending on the situation a meditation may be needed.

  • Check in with your key focus area and you have been leveling up.

  • We map out your dreams, your goals and what you would like to achieve after this final session.

  • Vision board.

  • Discuss how powerful setting intentions are in your life.

  • Discuss how you would like to move forward to the next step.

  • Meditation tailored to you to finish.

The package at the end includes the same resources as the Tier 1 package. However, you will get a copy of your goals to make your own vision board and any other resources that we discuss that you may find useful. Plus more!

Tier 3 (Six Sessions)

Session 1 & 2 are the same as the Tier One Package. We focus on all areas of your self - sabotage first. Sessions 3 & 4 are the same as Tier Two Package. Sessions Five & Six are outlined below.

Session 5:

  • We discuss your progress from the last session until now.

  • We shift some more blocks, emotions etc..

  • Meditation or a pep talk may be played depending on the situation.

  • We work on your habit building, we set in stone a routine for your morning, daytime and nighttime. This helps rewire your patterns and combat old habits that are holding you back.

  • We work on your business name and put steps in place to build your website, your brand etc, podcast, blog.

Session Six:

  • We discuss your progress from the last session until now.

  • There may be some more blocks or emotions depending on your situation. It is different for everyone.

  • Meditation, hypnotherapy recording or a pep talk may be required.

  • We reassess your goals, we check your progress.

  • I discuss with you How to manifest anything you desire.

  • We work on your habits, check you progress.

  • We reflect on the six sessions and we look back on how far you have come.

The package at the end includes the same resources as the Tier 1 & 2 package. However, you will get a copy of your goals to make your own vision board (or we can make one together) and any other resources that we discuss that you may find useful.. Plus more!

You have all of the tools you need to go out and be awesome! I look forward to working with you!

*Please note these session outlines are just a guide. Each individual's situation is different so more time may be allocated to a certain aspect/s of your overcoming self sabotage journey.*

Nathan Francis - Youth Self Sabotage Coach.

Podcast: Breaking Free (Youtube, Spotify, Amazon music, Rumble & Google podcasts)

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